Visit Central Oregon participated in an all-staff workshop with Central Oregon equity and social justice consultants, Allyship In Action, December 2020. The team proceeded to work closely together, with consultation from Allyship in Action, to devise an organizational equity statement. Visit Central Oregon firmly believes in its team-developed equity statement and is proud to incorporate it into Visit Central Oregon’s organizational handbook and marketing collateral.
Visit Central Oregon will show diversity to reflect its target markets across all platforms. The RDMO is prioritizing DEI in its photo and video shoot talent and amplifying diverse voices in PR efforts.
Visit Central Oregon hosted the inaugural session of foundational DEI workshops facilitated virtually by Allyship in Action, June 2021. The RDMO recognizes the value and relevance for essential training and DEI awareness for Central Oregon organizational cultures. The workshops with Allyship in Action are at no cost to participants and provide stakeholders foundational knowledge of regional history in this space. Designed with a tourism lens, they share information vital for understanding the importance for implementation of DEI within their own organizations.
From these sessions with Allyship in Action, Visit Central Oregon hopes to see an increase in regional equity statements implemented by participating stakeholders for their organizations or businesses as a realistic measurement of success. Additionally, the RDMO hopes to foster and incorporate Central Oregon “Ambassadors of Change” within the tourism, hospitality, and service industry landscapes, creating a destination and community that is welcoming and safe for all visitors and locals alike.